We're here to share all of the excitement with you, about todays lovely Cancer Full Moon! Cancer is ruled by the moon, meaning its energies are expressed through the moon's elemental influence. This full moon is E X T R A powerful because it is influenced by the Moon being in its place of comfort so to speak. The moon is known as the planet of the emotional realm, and is at home in the sign of Cancer. This means that anything in our lives involving the need for nurturance, balanced emotions and 'mothering' - both of self and other - will be in the spotlight for the next week. Cancer's vibe is watery and loving, creating a space that can hold and withstand the challenges of the emotional world.
Another important influence during this full moon, is the influence of Pluto. This influence will have us looking at power dynamics in our lives, both in relationship to others and in relationship to oneself. The key for this full moon, is discovering, seeking and claiming your power back, where it needs to be retrieved or re-invigorated. Witnessing where in one's primary relationships in life, that dynamics arise which make one feel powerless, is the best place to start. Movement will also be a very powerful tool to use during this full moon, both the day of and the days following. The act of shaking ones body, walking, running or dancing, will help to release stagnancy and old emotions that need to be processed.
Luckily, we also have a sweet aspect happening with Neptune at this time. Neptune represents dreams, the dreamworld and spiritual growth - you can anticipate some support in these realms, lending to a lighter, more airy vibe during this full moon. This will counterbalance the heaviness of the energies that need to be processed at this time for personal growth to unfold.
Below, you will find a depth of information about the sign of Cancer, how you or others could be effected in your body and life, as well as the plants, planets and energies that are most resonant for this period of time. We are happy to offer Yellow Dock tincture, Red Clover, Nettles & Milky Oats tincture, Red Clover tea and/or Mullein oil for body oiling, during this moon phase as a gift to the collective. If any of the remedy offerings in our stock (Yellow Dock tincture, 'Red Clover, Milky Oats & Nettles' tincture, Red Clover tea, and/or Mullein body oil) calls to you as a Cancer &/or someone with Cancer imbalances, reach out either via email or IG: @moonrisebotanicals and we can offer you a 25% discount on your order!
Cancer: the crab | emotionally intelligent, intuitive & empathetic in nature

Element: Water | Mode: Cardinal | Guardian Planet: Moon | Direction: South
Season: Summer | Solar Gemstone: Rose Quartz
We have been sharing with each Moon Cycle - both New & Full - the qualities, associations and herbal allies for the cycle. You can use this information to find balance for yourself, reflecting upon where you may have imbalance, integrate the information and implement change through conscious action, to balance oneself out during and beyond the cycle. The idea in short, is that each cycle has energetic qualities to it that infuse the time frame that is unfolding within each sign, carrying different elemental effects. We share both herbal solutions, and action oriented healing practices that will aid in restoring alignment.
This information applies to both Cancer sun signs, but also to others. Some may find that (if imbalanced) they REALLY need the recommended guidance. It may be more dominant for some than others, depending on where Cancer falls in your chart, what it is aspecting and how dominant of a force it is for you as an individual. Enjoy!
Body Systems Associated with Cancer: The ovaries, uterus, breasts and chest. The stomach and diaphragm. The pituitary gland (hormones specifically), the upper alimentary system (the length of the digestive system), the lungs, the ribs, the sternum and the elbow joints. Bone marrow and the protective coverings of the brain, the pericardium and the meninges.
Common Imbalances: Digestive diseases; Crohn's, gallbladder disorders, ulcers, gas, indigestion, nausea, diarrhea, heartburn, 'leaky gut' syndrome and bloating. Issues with relationship to food; overeating, bulimia and anorexia. Fluid in the joints, the lungs and sinuses; both lack of and overproduction of (edema, mucus, water retention). Breast and ovary diseases; cysts, mastitis, infertility. Bone marrow disease, gum/tooth diseases, pituitary imbalance (lack/excess production of oxytocin/ADH), General lack of vitality, sex drive, depression and emotional stagnation (lending to self isolation and highly-defensive nature; allowing oversensitivity to others emotions lending to paranoia). Imbalance with giving but not being open to receiving, as well as trust/faith in others. Issues maintaining healthy weight and body tone.
Cancerian Herbs to Restore Balance: Burdock, Dandelion, Yellow Dock root, Rosemary, Angelica, Ginger, Red Clover, Chamomile and Aloe Vera
Herbal Remedy Offering: Lymphatic tonics; Dandelion, Red Clover and Mullein. Cleansers such as Burdock and Yellow Dock root. Diuretics; Chamomile and Dandelion.
We are happy to offer Yellow Dock tincture, Red Clover, Nettles & Milky Oats tincture, Red Clover tea and/or Mullein oil for body oiling, during this moon phase.
*If any of the remedy offerings in our stock (Yellow Dock tincture, 'Red Clover, Milky Oats & Nettles' tincture, Red Clover tea, and/or Mullein body oil) calls to you as a Cancer &/or someone with Cancer imbalances (listed above), reach out either via email or IG: @moonrisebotanicals and we can offer you a 25% discount on your order!
Flower Essences: Agrimony, Chamomile, Clematis, Red Chestnut, & Honeysuckle
Wellness Practices for Cancer:
Consuming mineral rich herbs/supplements that are grounding; Nettles, Red Clover and Rosemary
Dry brushing and self-massage/soothing
Taking time to retreat/practice self-care and nourishment, but not isolating
Inner journey and past life work/psychic development
Choosing to engage in healthy relationships that involve emotional reciprocation
Learning to trust; starting with self-trust and branching out in relationships
Empowered Expression
& Shadowed Expression
Empowered aspects of Cancer
Loving, empathetic, compassionate and nurturing
Shadowed aspects of Cancer
Overly defensive responses, lack of being open to receiving,
and lack of trust/faith in others and the world at large.
How do you show yourself nurturance and love? Your relations?
In what ways are you unable to receive from others? Can you open to receive more?
How can you show up when you feel the reaction of defensiveness arising with others?
In what ways can you bring deeper trust within yourself, and in relationships?
Try to witness how the answers to these questions make you feel in your body and heart - following that thread will lead you to the answers that will best serve you at this time. The mind will chime in, but remember what feels most true for the other parts of your self.
With Love
