Organic & Local Ingredients, Always
Spagyric extractions are the original form of Alchemy, dating back to the time of Egyptian culture. This process allows for the extraction of the spirit of the plant through alcohol, as well as the minerals and salts of the plant, through calcination. This is the true way to capture all aspects of the plant, bringing a full trinity of healing forth to the body, as it is consumed for attaining balance, well-being and health.

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CARENE | an anti-inflammatory to help treat chronic pain
DELTA 3 CARENE | Combats inflammation, repairs diseased and damaged bones and is said to promote mental focus and concentration
OCIMEME | Anti-oxidative properties as well as the ability to inhibit key enzymes connected to type 2 diabetes and hypertension. suppress the production of several different inflammatory substances emitted by the immune system
HUMULENE | Effective anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal, anti-bacterial, and appetite suppressant
PINENE | Anti-inflammatory/anxiety, pain relief, may help combat short-term memory impairment associated with THC consumption bronchodilator (opens airways)
LIMONENE | Inhibits cancer cells growth; lung and brain, elevated mood, stress relief, anti-fungal properties, antibacterial properties, may help relieve heartburn and gastric reflux, improves absorption of other terpenes and chemicals by way of the skin, mucous membranes, and digestive tract
CARYOPHYLLENE | Potential to reduce alcohol intake, making this terpene a possible treatment for addiction, anti-oxidant/inflammatory properties, therapy for IBS, may be able to treat anxiety/depression, may help with longevity of lifespan by reducing gene stress
CIS-NEROLIDOL | Enhances drug delivery through the skin, reduces anxiety/sedative, anti-microbial/parasitic, anti-oxidant, pain-relieving properties
TRANS-NEROLIDOL | Anti-parasitic/fungal/microbial